GSA Schedules
We can help you navigate the complexities of GSA Schedule contracting. We’re here to help you make better strategic decisions to maximize government sales in alignment with your short- and long-term goals.
Contract Acquisition
Our comprehensive acquisition process includes:
Review of Commercial Sales Practices
Pricing Analysis
Development of Pricing Strategy
Preparation and Submission of the Offer
Monitoring/Tracking the Proposal
Upload of GSA Price List on GSA Advantage
Use of GSA E-Tools
Understanding Your GSA Contract Terms and Compliance
How to Sell Using Your GSA Schedule
Contract Maintenance
Contract maintenance services include the following:
Evaluation of Organizational Changes
Contract Modifications
GSA Advantage Price List Uploads
GSA Task Order Help desk
Contractor Assessment (IOA) Visit Support
Guidelines for Implementing GSA Processes, Procedures and Practices for Marketing, Sales, Pricing and Contracting Activities
Notifications of GSA Solicitation Changes/Mass Modifications, Insufficient GSA Sales Alert, and GSA Help Desk
Contract Compliance
We will evaluate your contracting practices and address deficiencies as they relate to the following high-risk compliance areas:
Policies and Procedures
Control Testing
Commercial Pricing Practice Analysis
Price Reduction Monitoring
IFF Reporting and Withholding Requirements
Trade Agreement Act and Service Contract Act Compliance
Small Business Subcontracting Plan Reporting
Maintaining a Code of Business Ethics and Conduct
Audits and Investigations
We support numerous complex GSA engagements each year. Our involvement helps mitigate findings – reducing potential liability and protecting your contract from rate erosion.
GSA Pre- and Post-Award Audit Advisory
FAR Mandatory Disclosures
M&A Due Diligence
Internal Investigations